Monday, November 26, 2012


Few days ago we celebrated Thanksgiving Day.
I have so much to be thankful for. 
Most of all...
The family.
I am thankful for my family where I was born to...
Family I married to...
and the family I have now with my husband...
We celebrated this Thanksgiving with my in-laws at their house. 
It was fun and relaxing...

My mother-in-law has a yearly tradition of making gingerbread houses with her grand kids.
Maija got to be the first one this year...

...while the boys watch football...

...with Jason and my father-in-law

Table is set and waiting for us to sit down and have a feast...

Markus is setting up the ambiance...

And the first gingerbread house is all ready...

Before dinner we crack some fire crackers

Niko and Kai

My wonderful in-laws

Kai slicing the ham...

Jason and my father-in-law carving the turkey...

Maija is taking a nap after dinner...
I had good intentions of taking pictures of our wonderful, delicious Thanksgiving dinner
but once the food was ready
 I forgot all about my camera...
but I can tell you this...
 the food was to die for!

After dinner Niko had a turn making his gingerbread house.
I never got a picture of the finished house
because Maija and I ended up upstairs
while she was watching tv
I got my traditional Thanksgiving nap!
Such a great day with people I love most!