Sunday, May 5, 2013


I have lots of leftover yarn and leftover fabric
from all kinds of projects from the past.
Here are couple of projects I made using all (or some off) that left over stuff.
I'd like to think that they were practically free,
since I used all the material I already had laying around.
First one is a quilt I made using 1.5 inch strips of all kinds of fabric. 
My only requirement was that I tried not to put same fabric next to each other.
I even used fabric I had laying around for backing as this quilt was practically free :)
My other project was a blanket I crochet.
Here is a link how I got started with it.
This one took quite a long time to finish...but it was worth all the work.
It is a splash of color
Plus I had not crochet for about 20 years, so I was quite excited to recover one of my hidden skills :)
Now I am ready for a new crocheting project...
as soon as I finish the socks I started knitting about a year ago...
but by the end of the week they WILL be done!