Thursday, December 26, 2013


Several years ago my in-laws took us to see the musical, Forgotten Carols by Michael McLean.  I loved it!  Now, close to twenty years later, I got tickets for our family to go to see the same musical.  They tour from city to city, and were scheduled to perform in Las Vegas on December 21st.
It was every bit as good as I remembered.
I copied this recap from one of the many websites which talks about the Forgotten Carols.
A straight-laced nurse is assigned to care for an elderly patient who has a few “psychological problems”. He calls himself “Uncle John” and believes he’s been alive for 2,000 years and has actually met people from the Christmas story that have been “forgotten,” i.e. the innkeeper that turned Joseph and Mary away; the shepherd who fell asleep and missed everything and others. He’s chronicled his encounters with a collection of “forgotten carols” which he sings as he hangs the ornaments he’s collected over the centuries that accompany each unique Christmas song. If only these songs could touch the part of his nurse’s heart that she has long since forgotten.

And here is my Favorite Song, performed by Jeff McLean, Michael McLean's son.

If you have not seen The Forgotten Carols, and it travels to your area, I highly recommend.
We took all our kids, ages 9 through 16, and they all enjoyed it.
It was such a wonderful way to start th

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Henderson WinterFest Parade 2013

This year Niko was the only one who was not marching down Water Street during the Henderson Winter parade.
Markus and Kai marched with Foothill High School Marching Band

Maija marched with her elementary school Cheer Team.
She is all decked out, ready to go and march.

Niko participated with Jason and I from the sidelines. 
Cheering, when he was not occupied by his DS.


I was looking for something else on YouTube and came across this video clip of the Foothill High School Marching Band competition performance.
The season ended already a month ago, but I don't think I posted this enjoy!


The fifth graders, Niko's grade, have a large project called a Market Day at school.
They have to group up, or work as individuals. 
They need to do market research, select a product to make, advertise it, make a commercial and in the end they will have the actual Market Day, where they sell all their products (with their special elementary school money).
Niko and his friend decided to make Survival Bracelets.
This is the commercial they made for their bracelets.
It is quite entertaining.


The last week of school is full of excitement.
There is a Pajama Day, Holiday Head Gear Day, Ugly Sweater Day, you name it.
This would be a Dress Like a Snowman Day


Sure sign of the Christmas Season...
the many concerts, and events at schools.
It sure puts you to a Christmas mood.
Markus and Kai had their Holiday Concert on Monday, the 16th of December. 
They both looked super handsome on their tuxedos, and sounded even more fabulous on the stage.
Here is Markus playing with the Wind Symphony.
Enjoy the Sleigh Ride.
Markus plays trumpet in the lower left corner, third from the bottom.

Kai plays trombone in the Symphonic Band.
Unfortunately I did not get a video from their performance.  But they were amazing as well!


We had some freezing temperatures few weeks before Christmas.
Usually we have a pool pump running during the night, to prevent the pool from freezing...but I had been cleaning the pool, and forgot to turn the pump back on.
Well, this is what we woke up to.
It was quite exciting for the kids.
We don't see ice too much around here...except in the freezer.


Niko and Maija had a grandma date with grandma Paula.
End of the day they returned home with these delicious looking houses.
Now if Markus and Kai could only stay away from then and not nibble them to all gone...


We love the Thanksgiving day.
No school, no work.
Lots of family fun and good food.
And maybe even some napping.
We love to spend time with our family.
I am so grateful for my family in Finland, and here in U.S.
I could not had been born to a better family,
and being married to a better family!
Double the blessings!
Let the feast begin!
Ring Toss to Reindeer Antler


Jason wrapped up another successful season of soccer for Niko's team. 
They had some losses, some wins, and some ties. 
All and all, a great season.
The plan was to have the party in the park. 
A soccer game kids vs. parents, pizza and cake.
And then it rained...three days in a never rains here in desert, but apparently it does when there is an outdoor activity planned.
We had to move the party to our house.  No soccer, but lots of cake, ice cream, and most importantly...trophies.