Sunday, August 12, 2012


All around Wonderful Day!

Markus and Kai returned home from a week and a half stay at the cabin. 
It is so fun having everyone home again...

...nosier, more chaotic...

rounding up everybody for scripture study and evening prayer seemed to take three times longer...
yet...I would not trade our chaos for all the riches in the world...

Church was inspiring...
I made some new resolutions again...

During the summer I have been neclecting my conference Ensign reading...
I really need to start again...

In Sunday School we talked about how to teach children to be humble.  I loved how our teacher reminded how Heavenly Father teaches us how to be humble through challenges...we can learn from Him and NOT rescue our children every time they face a challenge...

The lesson in Relief Society was to

Take Notes When Your Hear Speaks to You...

I am ready for a new week ... and some reading
...and note taking :)