Thursday, December 13, 2012


There just is not a right translation for "pikkujoulu".  When I looked it up from dictionary, it said "Christmas Party", but it just does not sound the same...nevertheless...this is the season for Christmas parties.
Last Saturday was a good way.  We were invited to one of Jason's client's Christmas brunch.  Lot's of good food got us started for the day.  Even Santa and his wive were in attendance, and kids got to tell Santa what they were wishing for Christmas.
Niko took this opportunuty to tell Santa that he would like to get a flat screen tv to his own room...unfortunately Santa has to adhere to the rules of our household...meaning...that will never happen!

Earlier that morning I had visited The Foothill High School Craft Fair, which was benefitting our marching band.  I bought few raffle tickets...and low behold...while were were driving home from the brunch I received a phone call that I had won some Tastefully Simple products...cake mixes and some dipping oil. 
It is always fun win!
The highlight of the day was our ward Christmas Party.  We ate good food, again...watched Christmas Nativity, Primary kids were singing us some Christmas songs...and Maija even got to visit Santa...again....
Pretty, clever center piece are suppose to stand still with your jingle bell, until it is time to sing!!!

Primary kids getting ready to perform for us