Tuesday, July 2, 2013


Esko and Marjaana built a new house recently. Of course we wanted to go see them and their new house. We went to the church in Kouvola, and after the church we drove to Herrala, where Esko lives. It was about an hour and a half drive.
I played piano for the sacrament meeting at Kouvola. I am so grateful for my parents who signed me up for piano lessons when I was young. It is such a good feeling to be able to play and serve, no matter what part of the world we happened to be.

Marjaana made a delicious lunch for us, and later Esko made special sprite creapes for us. Instead of milk, he puts sprite and milk to the dough, and it makes the creapes crisp and thin. I can not wait to try it out when we go back home.

Maija got to sleep in the tent with her cousins, and another friend of her cousins.
Next day we visited the skijumping hill in Lahti. We took a ski lift up to the sightseeing tower.
Niko was wondering if anybody really comes down the skijump, and actually lives! He thought that was  just the craziest sport ever.

We topped our visit with a lunch in McDonalds. 
I am not a fan of fast food, especially hamburgers, however, my sourdoug rye bread hamburger was to die for.