Monday, November 11, 2013


We strongly discourage our children from dating until they are 16 years old.
Markus turned 16 this past summer, so he was able to attend to his first Homecoming. 
Him and several of his friends planned a night out with their dates. 
Markus picking up his date.
They all met at the Lucille's BBQ  restaurant and after that went to Green Valley Ranch (local hotel/casino) to get some pictures taken.

From there they got picked up by limousine which took them to the Strip. (Center of Vegas). 
One of the mothers had created a scavenger hunt for the kids in Strip, them having to find several different places. 
The limo drove them around until 10:30 pm.
After that the limo took theme up to one of the boy's home where they finished the evening by the fire place, drinking hot chocolate and just visiting. 
According to Markus he had a great time and the evening was a success.