Thursday, January 10, 2013


Yesterday was a beautiful day of 60s F (15 C). I was raking leaves when I got distracted by the roses blooming. Beautiful!
I do miss many things in Finland. 

White Christmas,
skiing under the stars,
snow lanterns,
crisp air,
sun glistening on the snow
...the list goes on and on. 
But roses blooming in January is not so bad either!
I just finished reading President Monson's talk titled: "Consider the Blessings". 
I love this line:
"I have found that, rather than dwelling on the negative,
if we will take a step back and consider
the blessings
in our lives, including seemingly small, sometimes overlooked blessings,
we can find greater happiness." 
And so I keep missing the white winters in Finland ...
yet enjoy my blooming roses in January here in Nevada.

And I feel so blessed that I have had both
in my life.