Wednesday, January 23, 2013


For years we have been dreaming about having our own sauna.  It is a Finnish thing :).

Finally, after lots of research, studying and pondering, we have decided to proceed with our dream.

We are combining one of the bathrooms in the basement with storage room, and our Harry Potter room under the stairs.  Last two days the demolition crew has been hard at work in our basement.  It smells, it is dusty and has a big mess. Our kids have moved upstairs to sleep and for the horror of our kids; tv, xbox and Wii is not usable in the basement.  Everything is taped under the plastic.  But we are all excited over the prospect of a sauna in the near future.
No gain.
I will keep you posted.
Here are some before...and in the process pictures...
Here are pictures of our "Harry Potter" room.  It also is our graffiti room. I loved to go and check out the latest writings of our kids, and their friends. I am really going to miss this crazy room.
Here is our wonderful closet, which we will sacrifice to get a sauna.
This bathroom will soon be much bigger...and better :)
And the shower area will be wider and have two shower heads.
And this closet will be part of sauna.  Sad to loose the storage area, but happy to get a sauna.
Here are some pictures of the old bathroom, shower and closets.  The only recognizable area is the Harry Potter room.
Hallways are a mess....
I just had to take a picture of this...because soon it will be part of sauna.  The story behind is as follows.  One night we had just finished our scripture reading.  Jason told the kids to go to brush their teeth, and then go to bed.  Kai took one more shot with the nerf basketball to a hoop which was hanging from the closet door.  Niko run to block it, fell, and his bottom went through the wall!  Boys!
Here is our family room in our basement right now.  No hanging out there playing xbox.  Boys are having withdrawls.
Because of all the dust and smell, the kids are camping upstairs in our living room.