Monday, January 28, 2013


I love our house...there is room for everybody to spread out. 
It is filled with action by our children, and their friends. 
Piano practises, nerf gun wars, video game battles, scripture reading, family prayers. 
This is where our life happens, and where the memories are made.
Sometimes I wonder...would it be better to have a smaller house. 
This past week, due to construction, the kids have been sleeping upstairs in our living room/music room.  They have had great time going to sleep together. 
We hear them talking, laughing and pillow fighting. 
I love those sounds.
The house is somewhat of a mess, and it is hard to walk around in the room..
.but somehow I don't care. 
I wonder if it is because it has become more of a reality that soon they will all be gone...moving on with their lives...having their own places to sleep, having their own family noises surround them...
I will enjoy it as long as it will last...