Monday, January 28, 2013


If you have ever lived, or even visited the Vegas area you may know that trees do not just pop up and randomly grow here.

You have to plant a tree, which involves digging a big hole - quite a challenge with our rock hard soil and then you have install a watering system.  You have to nurture the tree, make sure it gets enough water every week, fertilize it, prune it...and love it :)

We are fortunate to have some big, lush trees in our yard, thanks to the previous owners.  In fact I have heard people describe our house with words like "the house with all the trees".

While getting a permit to build a sauna and to add one more drain, we came to find out that we were in a violation with a code pertaining to our septic tank in our back yard.  One of our trees was too close to the septic tank and the leach lines.  In order to get a permit, we had to promise to cut down the tree within 30 days.

I was heart broken.  This tree not only provides much needed shade in the summer time, but it is one of the trees that holds up our outdoor movie screen during our summer movie nights.

In the other hand...if the roots mess up the septic tank, that would be a bad thing as well...toilet water floating all over our yard...

We will be sensible people and cut down the tree, but...
...we will morn over the loss of it...