Sunday, February 24, 2013


Niko and Kai both played basketball this winter with city of Henderson rec league. 
They had six weeks of games from January through mid February. 
They both truly enjoyed playing and learning from the coaches.  Both of their teams won some games and lost some games...but it was always fun to watch them play...regardless of the outcome!
I never managed to get a picture of Kai - he was just too fast on the court :)
But I did snap a picture of Niko after his last game.
After the last game Niko's coach called us and told us that he is putting a team together for another league and asked if Niko would like to play for his team.  He told us that he likes Niko because Niko plays with his heart! 
So, now Niko is busy playing soccer  and basket ball both for next month couple of months. 
He loves sports, so he thinks that life is just good being able to play both sports at the same time.