Sunday, February 24, 2013


Last few months Kai has been working on his Eagle Scout project. 
He decided to make super hero capes for Primary Children's  Hospital. 
He made couple of proto types last fall, and took them to Salt Lake City, Utah when he met with the hospital personel. 
His project got approved by the hospital and the Scout committee and now he just needs to get it done.
Our ward members have been very generous with fabric donations, and recently Kai has been cutting the capes out.  Once he has everything cut out, he will organize a sewing event where all the capes will be sewn.  His plan is to make double sided capes, so that the children can decorate one side with fabric markers, and other side will be patterend fabric.
Maija is modeling Kai's proto type of the cape.

Kai cutting the capes out...some for girls and some for boys....