Tuesday, March 26, 2013


We have a staircase from the backyard to our basement. 
When we have pool parties, we encourage everybody to use the bathroom downstairs, to keep water puddles to a minimun on our main level hardwood floors.
One of the problems we have had is that the staircase has been kind of dark and dreary, and many of the little kids do not like to enter to our "dungeon". 
I have been wanting to make it a little more colorful and inviting for a long time.  
Once again, inspired by Brenna White, I decided that Spring Break would be a perfect time to do some painting. 
I gathered all my left over paints, dug up my old, crusty paint brush and started painting.  I just started slapping paint on the walls, and did not even bother to clean my brush between the colors.
I have never painted concrete, let alone such textured one, before. Adding any kind of detail was a challenge, and I had to use lots of paint for coverage, but the colors ended up coming through great.
After four hours I was ready for a break.... 
I can not wait to get the stairs done...but that has to wait until I get yet another inpiration...although Pinterest is making me feel it already...