Thursday, April 11, 2013


...maybe 100 hours or so...and then I will be good to go.
It is the last week of tax season, and anybody who is either a CPA or married to a CPA knows exactly what that means.

There is light in the end of the tunnel, but in the meantime....we are seriously dragging in our household.

Yesterday, picking up kids from high school at 1 pm I fell a sleep in the car (parked, thank goodness).  I woke up for a knocking at the car wanting to come in :)

This morning taking Markus to seminary at 6 (Jason being long gone to the office already), I was coherent enough to notice a beautiful sunrise.  I even pulled over and took some pictures.

This time of year it is the small and simple things that I find most enjoyable...eating, sleeping and occasional beautiful sunrise.
Have a wonderful day!