Monday, April 8, 2013


The compressor failed, so we had to wait for the warranty company to order and put a new one in.
We were two weeks without a working fridge. 
It was quite an interesting experience.
Fortunately we have couple of chest freezers, so we could still have frozen stuff to defrost, cook and eat.
We did learn that we are surrounded by lots of wonderful neighbors, friends and family, who were more than happy to help.
Our neighbors brought us dinner, we had several friends who even offered to bring us a spare refridgerator, more dinner offers, and my sister and brother-in-law even gave me a Tropical Smoothie gift card for my birthday, so I could go get something nice and cold to drink.
Speaking of cold drinks...I have to say that was the worst part...not having a functioning icemaker and cold water.  We are big water drinkers here in desert.
Kids would run to neighbors' house to get ice for their water. 
Good thing the fridge did not go out in the middle of the summer!
Now we have a working fridge again.  Happiness!