Monday, April 21, 2014

Maija Cheering

Maija tried out for the Smalley Cheer team last year, and made the team.  She was super excited.  The team has been working all year long very hard, practicing once or twice a week for hours.

This past weekend was their big competition, SHARP, at the Cashman Center.
We woke up bright and early, got dressed and ready, and drove to the site where we met our team at 7 in the morning.
The girls were super excited.  

And they did great.

They got first place in their Division and first in Best Performance.
Maija also got the Spirit Award.  (I think it is for smiling during the performance, or something along those lines.)

Needless to stay that Maija was SUPER EXCITED after the competition!

Maija is on the right

Maija is in the bottom left