Monday, April 21, 2014


A month ago Niko tried out for Jr. Falcons.  It is a basketball team run and coached by the local high school coaches.  
Niko did not make the cut last fall, so when he made the team this Spring it was time for celebration.
Niko has been working super hard to become a better basketball player.  He goes and trains at the high school with the coaches there nearly every morning at 5:45, and after school he typically goes to rec center and plays ball there for few hours as well.
After making the team, he has added the team practises for his weekly schedule.  

The first couple of games were rough for their team.  They basically got killed by opposing teams.  These boys just started playing together so it has taken them some time to start working together and trusting each other.
I had already thought that this season we would probably loose every game, and just learn as a team to become better, so next season would not be so rough.

Not so fast.

Last Saturday we had a great game.
When Niko's team won we cheered extra hard.

First win of the season.
And Niko even made 9 points.

The winning is not everything but it sure feels good, after being in a loosing string!